InManagement MattersbyPrateek VasishtBook release: The Smart Problem SolverAn intuitive guide to problem-solvingApr 27, 20211801Apr 27, 20211801
Theo SeedsThe 7 Deadly Sins Of ThinkingAvoid these 7 mistakes and you’ll be way smarter. Plus, how Jordan Peterson’s brain works, and why physicists hate Albert Einstein.Mar 4, 20242922Mar 4, 20242922
Jonathan KahanUniversal Heuristic Problem Solving method — v 1.0The mission: creating a near-universal heuristic for problem solving.Jan 8, 20229Jan 8, 20229
Jonathan KahanA general framework for personal decision makingI recently moved to a new city with an extremely hectic real estate market. I braced myself for weeks of desperate searches and apartment…Feb 3, 2020361Feb 3, 2020361
Jonathan KahanThe Hidden Fabric of Knowledge— Part 1 of Modeling in Problem Solving —Aug 7, 20227117Aug 7, 20227117
rachel audigeTrying to Innovate? Put down your hammer.Maslow said, “If you have a hammer… then everything you’ll see is a nail.” Basically, when we acquire or are given a specific tool or…Nov 28, 20234.3K90Nov 28, 20234.3K90
Yonatan ZungerThree Rules of Solving ProblemsTools for solving problems in a wide range of fieldsJul 11, 20224.1K59Jul 11, 20224.1K59
Debbie WidjajaThe problem-solver’s playbook: 17 questions to sharpen your thinkingtl;dr Stop falling in love with your problem, and definitely don’t fall in love with your solution.Jun 10, 20228.4K136Jun 10, 20228.4K136
InManagement MattersbyPrateek VasishtCoronavirus: complex problem-solving in action (Part 3)The foggy reality of implementing solutionsAug 1, 2021Aug 1, 2021